A podcast documentary project by Claire Froës & Sarah Moeschler

“The long dialogue between us humans has just come to an end ” wrote Albert Camus in 1948. Today, these words still resonate and push us to rethink our relationship with “the others”. The ones we don’t know, the ones we don’t meet, because they do not “resemble us”. Because their thoughts are foreign to us and represent that of those we consider “enemies”.

Going out of our opinion-sphere and taking the necessary distance to understand and hear different tonalities seems to be the first step to take to reintegrate the dialogue. In order to get out of polemics and ideological abstractions, we have to accept to listen carefully to our interlocutors for a moment. Without interruption.
Convinced that every opportunity to think against ourselves is worth seizing, we set out to meet these men and women with whom, at first sight, seem to oppose us in everything.
The episodes are in production process and are coming soon...